In this remarkable narrative, Uza Rinchen Sal, a 15th century Tibetan woman guides us through the realms beyond death. Falling ill, Uza Rinchen dies, travels with guides through the lands of the dead (the Bardo), visits the realms of the enlightened ones, and returns to life just before her body is to be burned. Her amazing and detailed account is entirely in accord with the teachings of Bon, and the advice she receives from her guides and the many compassionate teachers along her path, both human and non-human, are powerful reminders that we must all practice compassion in this very life, and that the only escape from samsara is to recognize the nature of one’s own mind.
Lamp of Uza Rinchen Sal, Sangmo Yangri, Sacred Sky, Paperback, 206 pp, |
Author: Sangmo Yangri
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 9780975377192
Publication Date: 2024
About the Author:
Dr. Sangmo Yangri (Bon) received her masters degree in Bon philosophy in 2007 from Central University of Tibetan Studies (CUTS) in Varanasi, India, where she wrote her thesis on ”The 12 Interdependent Origination in Bon.” She then completed her master of philosophy degree in Buddhist philosophy, writing a thesis on ”The Lineage of Bhikshuni Ordination in Bon Tradition.” In 2013 she was the second female student of the five Tibetan schools, and the first of the Bon tradition, to complete a Ph.D. at CUTS; her PhD. thesis dealt with the ”Analysis of the Traditional Exposition of the Way in Which the World Came into Existence According to Bon Tradition and Buddhism.” Since then several of her articles have been published in journals, and she has participated in several international Bon and Buddhism conferences. An acharya in Bon philosophy, Sangmo Yangro taught philosophy to nuns at Redna Menling Nunnery near Menri Monastery. In 2015 she was appointed by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as a teacher at Lishu Institute near Dehradun, India. In charge of the curriculum of Lishu Institute, she has given lectures on the Nine Ways of Bon, the hagiography of Buddha Tonpa Sherab Miwo, and Tibetan language.