Compassion and wisdom are like the two wings of a bird – both are needed to fly. Spiritual practice cultivates and strengthens these qualities. Practice leads us to recognize our own innate awareness and presence, and it counters the obstructing forces that hinder this recognition. This does not mean that we won’t face challenges, or that we won’t suffer. It does mean that we can learn to witness our experiences with equanimity and an open heart, becoming ever more present to ourselves and to one another.
Bön has practices and teachings for body, speech, and mind —the whole person. Whether you are new to meditation or have been practicing for many years, Ligmincha offers opportunities to discover and rest in the true nature of your being. If you are just getting started, we recommend our free online courses, here (registration required). We also encourage you to explore Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s CyberSangha, an online community of practitioners. If you have experience or seek more support we have online courses with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and other teachers that offer greater immersion and interaction. Finally, we offer retreats, from a few days to several weeks in length, all around the world on many different topics.

Bön has practices and teachings for body, speech, and mind —the whole person. Whether you are new to meditation or have been practicing for many years, Ligmincha offers opportunities to discover and rest in the true nature of your being. If you are just getting started, we recommend our free online courses, here (registration required). We also encourage you to explore Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s CyberSangha, an online community of practitioners. If you have experience or seek more support we have online courses with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and other teachers that offer greater immersion and interaction. Finally, we offer retreats, from a few days to several weeks in length, all around the world on many different topics.
Overview of Teaching Topics
The sacred texts of Bön include hundreds of volumes. Among them are more practices, teachings, and rituals than anyone can learn in a single lifetime. Every aspect of life is covered by these teachings. Some of the most frequently taught within Ligmincha include:
Practices of Body & Breath
Nine Breathings of Purification
The Five Warrior Syllables
The Three Heart Mantras
Tsa Lung (channel and wind exercises)
Trul Khor (Tibetan yoga)
Tummo (Bliss of Inner Heat)

Practices of Mind
Zhiné: Calm Abiding Meditation
Dzogchen Teachings
The Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung
The Masters of Zhang Zhung
Heart Essence of the Khandros
The Six Lamps
The Seven Mirrors of Dzogchen

Practices From the BӦN Mother Tantra
Chöd: Cutting Through Fear & Attachment
Dream Yoga
The Five Elements
Powa: Transference of Consciousness at the Moment of Death
Sleep Yoga
The Bardo: Guidance for Living & Dying

Other Practices from the Bön Tradition
Sherap Chamma: Mother of Love and Wisdom
The Six Lokas (Realms)
Healing Practice of Sipe Gyalmo
Soul Retrieval
The Long Life Practice of Tsewang Rigdzin
Help Continue Our Mission
Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.
Help Continue Our Mission
Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.