Sung Khor – Sipé Gyalmo (small)



Artikelnummer: SUNGKHOR-SG-SM Kategorie:


Sipé Gyalmo amulet is said to protect and cut all epidemics, illnesses, calamities and all what causes loss and damage produced by hostile and unfriendly energy.

Sungkhor (protection amulet) in general is said to have the capacity to protect and expel obscurations, obstacles, hostile actions and objects, as well as other negative forces that have caused them. If one wears it correctly, next to one’s body, with respect, never putting it on the floor or spoiling it, the protection mandala is regarded as a weapon.

Inside is a piece of paper upon which the particular mandala and mantras are written in Tibetan. The sheet is then folded and wrapped with colored string.These may be worn as a pendant, hung in one’s car or home, or placed on one’s shrine.

All amulets have been blessed.

Sipé Gyalmo is both a yidam (meditation deity) and a protector. She is one of the most frequently propitiated deities in the Bön tradition of and extends her protection to both spiritual practitioners and non-practitioners alike. Though wrathful in appearance, she is an emanation of Sherap Chamma (Mother of Wisdom and Love) and fully embodies the qualities of wisdom and compassion.

Sipé Gyalmo, Queen of Existence, is the most wrathful manifestation of Sherap Chamma. Dark azure in color, fierce in appearance, she has three faces and six arms. She is adorned with a crown of skulls, bone ornaments, and a necklace of freshly-severed heads.

In her three right hands are a victory banner, a flaming sword, and a phurba (dagger). She cuts the knots of illusion and vanquishes the three root poisons – desire, hatred, and ignorance. In her three left hands she holds an axe, a skull cup of blood, and at her heart she holds a wisdom mirror that reflects all things clearly.

Riding on a mule with a naga king (Tib. lu, serpent spirit) as a halter and reins, she sits atop the skin of a corpse, symbolizing impermanence. She is surrounded by flames of wisdom fire.

H: 1 1/4″ x W: 1/2″