The Heartdrop of Jamma, The Loving Mother



An Aural Transmission of the Khandro

Translated by Raven Cypress Wood

Soft cover, 37 pages

Color or back-and-white illustrations, with Tibetan and English transliteration of the Tibetan text

Height: 11” x Width:  8 ½”x Depth: 3/16”, Weight: 6 ounces



The Heartdrop of Jamma, or Jamma Nying Tik, is classified as an aural transmission. This means that it was transmitted through hearing. In this case, the transmission was given by a manifestation of Jamma, Khandro Sherap Lo Pélma, to Sonam Lodro Rinpoche when she actually appeared before him. This translation was made as a support for Geshe Künchap Rinpoche, who bestowed the transmission and teaching upon a small group of practitioners in 2018. He received this transmission from his root lama, Barlé Lama Tsukphü Gyaltsen Rinpoche.

Informazioni aggiuntive


Color, Black and White