Join us March 31–April 3 in person at Serenity Ridge in Virginia, or online via Zoom, for Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s spring retreat. Rinpoche will be teaching on The Nine Winds: Exploring the Union of Breath and Awareness.
The winds (lung, prana or chi) are the essential energy underlying all of existence. In the chapter of the Bon Mother Tantra, “The Unceasing Sphere of Light,” nine winds describe the movements of the layers of consciousness from gross to subtle. These winds move not only within us, but also collectively, through our families, communities and our whole world-system. Everything, from the subtlest reality of the nature of mind to the grossest physical forces, moves according to the forces of these winds.
In this retreat we will engage in practices of breath and awareness that support the transformation of suffering due to four of the nine winds: blockages causing disease, karmic patterns held in our body and energetic field, emotional wounds, and obscurations of the conceptual mind that impede self-realization. As we open, we enhance pathways that support positive expression, transforming our perception of self and other, bringing benefit to the health of our body, our relations, and our world.
Live simultaneous translation into Spanish, Polish and Portuguese. Other languages will be announced.