Awakening Through Dreams
Fall Retreat and the Serenity Ridge Dialogues: Dream Yoga & Lucid Dreaming
October 17th – 22nd, 2023
In-person & Online
The Serenity Ridge Fall Retreat and Dialogues are almost here! The focus this year is the second chapter of the Mother Tantra– Dream Yoga. Each morning, Rinpoche will teach on bringing our dream states into our spiritual practice and our spiritual practice into our dream states. In the afternoons, our special guests will give short presentations on specific topics related to lucid dreaming followed by open conversations that include Rinpoche and other discussants. We will also explore a variety of practices related to dreaming and sleeping, led by our presenters.
In this retreat we will learn how to prepare for sleep, the types of dreams that can arise, and how to bring lucidity into our dreams, with the potential to impact our general well-being through greater awareness of the cycles of day and night. This recognition can transform every aspect of our waking life, opening us to infinite creative possibilities available in every moment.
This retreat is designed for all levels of students, from beginners to experienced lucid dreamers.
You can join us in person at Serenity Ridge or online. However, we kindly encourage everyone who can to come in person for this special event! Manypeople have expressed how enriching they find the informal conversations between sessions in the dining hall, on walks and sitting outdoors. We can’t capture this aspect of the retreat via webinar.
This event will have translations available in multiple languages. Stay tuned for updates.
Most presenters for this year’s Dialogues have appeared in previous CyberSangha Science & Spirituality Dialogues, hosted by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and Alejandro Chaoul-Reich. For a taste of the discoveries and transformation that Rinpoche and Alejandro help bring to light when talking with their guest speakers, click HERE

Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche began formal studies as a monk at Menri Monastery near Dolanji, India, at the age of 11. He was awarded his geshe degree in 1986. An accomplished scholar in all aspects of sutra, tantra and dzogchen, Rinpoche is an acclaimed author and a respected teacher of students worldwide. He is renowned for his depth of wisdom; his clear, engaging teaching style; and his dedication to making the ancient Tibetan teachings highly accessible and relevant to the lives of Westerners.

Yangdron Kalzang, Tibetan Doctor
Yangdron Kalzang earned a Tibetan Medicine degree from the Tibetan Medical University in Lhasa, Tibet, and her Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University, Graduate School of Traditional Chinese Medicine. She is an Acupuncturist licensed by the state of California and an Acupuncturist and Herbalist certified by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM). She is also a founding member and current faculty member of the Shang Shung Institute, School of Tibetan Medicine in Conway, Massachusetts. Yangdron Kalzang serves as an educational resource for the University of California at San Francisco and Stanford University medical students and faculty and many Buddhist centers in the Bay Area. She regularly lectures and delivers seminars on Tibetan medicine.

Gabriela Torres Platas, Ph.D., Researcher
Gabriela Torres Platas, is currently studying the neural and physiological correlates of Tibetan dream and sleep yoga in expert practitioners at Northwestern University. She is interested in understanding the mental and health benefits of contemplative sleep practices. Gabriela holds a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from McGill University where she studied the molecular and cellular mechanisms of depression and suicide. She pursued clinical research training to study the effects of different Mind-Body interventions (such as mindfulness-based interventions, among others) on different psychiatric disorders.

Alejandro Chaoul, Ph.D., Senior Teacher, Moderator
Alejandro Chaoul, PhD, is the founder and director of The Jung Center’s Mind Body Spirit Institute. He has been a student of Tibetan Buddhism since 1989, and particularly in the Bon tradition since 1991. Alejandro is a senior teacher at The 3 Doors and a Tibetan Yoga and meditation teacher for the Ligmincha Institute. As faculty and director of education at MD Anderson Cancer Center’s Integrative Medicine Program, for the last 20 years Alejandro has taught Tibetan meditation to cancer patients, their families, and caregivers, and researches the effects of Tibetan mind-body practices with cancer patients. He is also a fellow of the Mind and Life Institute.

Andrew Holecek, Author and Teacher
Andrew Holecek has completed the traditional three-year Buddhist meditation retreat and offers seminars internationally on dream yoga, the art of dying, and meditation. He is the author of many books, including the Dream Trilogy: The Lucid Dreaming Workbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering Your Dream Life; Dream Yoga: Illuminating Your Life Through Lucid Dreaming and the Tibetan Yogas of Sleep; and Dreams of Light: The Profound Daytime Practice of Lucid Dreaming, as well as the audio learning course, Dream Yoga: The Tibetan Path of Awakening Through Lucid Dreaming. His most recent book is Reverse Meditation: How to Use Your Pain and Most Difficult Emotions as the Doorway to Inner Freedom. Dr.Holecek is a member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and the author of scientific papers on lucid dreaming. He holds degrees in classical music, biology, and a doctorate in dental surgery.
Learn more at:

David Germano, Professor, Moderator
David Germano is Professor of Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at the University of Virginia, where he directs the Tibet Center and the Generative Contemplation Initiative. His personal scholarship is focused on Buddhist philosophy and contemplative practice, with a particular focus on the Great Perfection (rdzogs chen) tradition. He has trained many doctoral students in Tibetan Buddhism, with students currently professors at Northwestern, University of Toronto, Stanford University, Davidson College, Florida State University, Naropa University, Case Western Reserve, and many other major institutions of higher education. At UVA, he founded and directed for many years SHANTI (Sciences, Humanities and the Arts Network of Technical Initiatives) and the Contemplative Sciences Center.

Tim Lyons, Ph.D., Jungian Psychotherapist
Timothy Lyons is a Jungian psychotherapist with over 25 years of clinical experience working with dreams. In conjunction with Jung’s depth psychology, Tim utilizes Tibetan dream and sleep yoga, alchemical symbolism, and integrative medicine to help clients understand the linkages between body and mind and their distress, and to develop the healing potential of their imagination, dreams, and physical well-being. Tim’s postgraduate work includes studies at the Philadelphia Jung Institute and research into infant observation and art therapy. His practice is further informed by yoga and Taoist philosophies, and teacher training in Trul Khor. Tim’s career also includes work as architect, editor, writer for the Washington Post, and lecturer for the Jung Society of Washington and the Smithsonian Institution.
The Fall Retreat/Serenity Ridge Dialogues begins the evening of October 17 and ends on Sunday, October 22, at 12:30 p.m. NY time, followed by lunch for those at Serenity Ridge. Participate in person at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center in Shipman, Virginia or online via Zoom.
2023 Serenity Ridge Dialogues Event Schedule
All events are scheduled in Eastern Standard Time (New York).
Tuesday Oct 17, 2023
Wednesday Oct 18, 2023
Thursday – Saturday Oct 19-21, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Wednesday-Saturday: 7:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m. Evening Talk with Dialogue Presenters – TBD

Ligmincha International is a global community of meditators and practitioners of the ancient Bön spiritual tradition of Tibet. The Bön teachings show us how to embrace the joys, sorrows and challenges of life with an open heart. Connecting more fully to ourselves, we connect more fully to life. As the bounded and limited ways we view self and other loosen and open through meditation, the teachings guide us out of suffering toward liberation, or buddhahood. Self-realization is possible for everyone, without exception. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche is our founder and spiritual director.
Serenity Ridge Retreat Center is located in the Blue Ridge foothills of central Virginia. Founded by Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, teacher and meditation master in the Tibetan Bön tradition, Serenity Ridge is the headquarters of Ligmincha International. The Center hosts several retreats throughout the year, and offers many other opportunities to engage, including daytime visits, service retreats, individual service retreats, and residency programs.

Wisdom Publications is the leading publisher of books, online courses, and other content on contemporary and classic Buddhism, mindfulness, and meditation. Thousands of students have taken online courses in the Wisdom Academy, and the Wisdom Podcast has over 100 episodes and 1 million downloads. Wisdom is also now the premier membership platform for Buddhists: the Wisdom Experience offers hundreds of hours of video and thousands of pages of books for members to read online. Registrants in the Serenity Ridge Dialogues will also receive a special discount on select Wisdom courses and books! Register now to be eligible for the discounts.

The Mind Body Spirit Institute, located within the Jung Center in Houston, helps individuals and communities to flourish with innovative new approaches to cultivating wellness and emotional health. MBSI’s experience and academically based classes and seminars are aimed at reducing stress, improving health and nourishing the human spirit. From insightful single session workshops to long-term, in-depth certificate programs, MBSI offers solutions to those looking to refresh their approach to life, embrace their own potential, and experience greater meaning and satisfaction in their work.

The mission of the Contemplative Sciences Center (CSC) is to advance the study and application of human flourishing at all levels of education—K-12, undergraduate, graduate, professional, and lifelong.