Course—Tibetan Dream Yoga

17FebAll Day17MarCourse—Tibetan Dream Yogawith Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

Event Details


Tibetan Dream Yoga

with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

„The practice of dream yoga is about understanding more about appearances and what they truly are. And ultimately, it is about understanding who we are, the true sense of self.”
– Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

We spend a third of our lives sleeping. Every night we participate in profound mysteries, moving from one dimension of experience to another, losing our sense of self and finding it again, and yet we take it all for granted. We wake up in the morning and continue in „real” life, but in a sense we are still asleep and dreaming. The teachings tell us that we can continue in this deluded, dreamy state, day and night, or wake up to the truth.

Through practice, we can cultivate greater awareness during every moment of life. If we do, freedom and flexibility continually increase and we are less governed by habitual preoccupations and distractions. Eventually we develop a continuity of awareness that allows us to maintain full awareness during dream as well as in waking life. When we fully develop this capacity, we will find that we are living both waking and dreaming life with greater ease, comfort, clarity, and appreciation.

In this four-week workshop, students will explore and practice the ancient Bön Buddhist teachings of Tibetan dream yoga. The workshop provides detailed instruction for dream yoga practice, with discussion of the relationships between dreaming and waking and between dreaming and death. Rinpoche also will provide instructions for foundational practices done during the day and for the uses and methods of lucid dreaming.

Website: GlideWing




February 17, 2024 - March 17, 2024 (All Day)(GMT-05:00)


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