Course—Who Am I? A Journey to Self-Realization

11JunAll Day26Course—Who Am I? A Journey to Self-Realizationwith Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

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Who Am I? A Journey to Self-Realization

with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

„I–Who Am I?
I am no one.
I can be anyone.“

– Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche

The primary journey of every spiritual path is to reclaim what has been lost: the truth of who we really are. Once we come to a deep recognition that our true nature is spontaneous perfection, there is no more need to search for insights or solutions, no more need to strive. According to the dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Bon and Buddhism, this simple recognition is the way to ultimate liberation, to our own Great Perfection.

This two-week online workshop is based on a poem Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche wrote during moments of self-reflection on retreat. It essentializes the deep personal work he does as a teacher, father, husband, friend and spiritual being. Each session of the workshop will guide you through his poem, line by line, in your own journey of self-discovery.

„This poem has supported me in incredible ways, and I hope it will help all of you in the same way,“ Rinpoche says. „At any moment when you feel challenged, threatened, lost, or sad, that’s a simple sign that you have lost connection with who you are. I wrote this poem as a support for remembering, and reconnecting.“

Throughout every stage of life, from childhood through adulthood and old age, we have a different sense of identity, a strong mental image of who we are. Each of these identities causes us pain, because it is only a mental projection based on ignorance, anger and attachment. In the workshop, Rinpoche encourages you to make note of your current sense of identity and work with it in the guided meditations and throughout your day. For it is only by discovering who you are not that you can connect deeply with the beauty and infinite potential of who you are.

The online workshop features personal guidance and support from Rinpoche as you work with the practices, instruction via Internet-based video and an easy-to-use course site. There are no set class times, and instructional videos remain available throughout the workshop.

Website: GlideWing (




June 11, 2022 - June 26, 2022 (All Day) EST(GMT+00:00)


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