Free Event—Contemplative Movement as a Transformative Bridge
Event Details
FREE EVENT Contemplative Movement as a Transformative Bridge with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Adriana Dal Borgo, Peter Payne, Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, Ph.D. Contemplative movement can include a number of practices such as yoga,
Event Details
Contemplative Movement as a Transformative Bridge
with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Adriana Dal Borgo, Peter Payne, Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, Ph.D.
Contemplative movement can include a number of practices such as yoga, dance, tai chi, tsa lung trul khor and yantra yoga. In their own unique ways, these practices integrate self-awareness, rhythm, sound, movement, conscious breath, disciplined form, or free flowing choreography. Pulled into a harmony, or potent melody, the effects may include release of tensions and blockages in body and mind.
Can these movement-based practices also open doors to our true nature, to a state beyond inside/outside? Can they heal deep trauma?
In this live broadcast, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and host Alejandro Chaoul-Reich invite Adriana Dal Borgo and Peter Payne to delve into the inner workings of contemplative dance and somatic healing practices. Adriana is intimately prepared to communicate her understanding of body as mandala. Peter’s life studies, practice, and research suggest that the sciences also are discovering the bridges between higher mind and body.
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November 16, 2021 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST(GMT+00:00)