Lightning Flash Bardo Part 2 & Rainbow Phowa Teaching and Transmission
with Geshe Denma Gyaltsen
In this two-day retreat, Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, resident lama of Ligmincha Texas, will offer two teachings.
The Lightning Flash of the Dzogchen View of the Bardo was transmitted by ear to Dziwo Rigpa Rangshar. All are welcome; it is not necessary to have attended Part 1 to join this retreat.
Rainbow Phowa was transmitted by ear to the 22nd Menri Trizin, Sherab Gongyal, by the second Buddha, Nyame Sherap Gyaltsen after he attained the rainbow body. Phowa is the “transfer of consciousness.“ When used to help the dying or already dead, this practice refers to easing the transfer of consciousness from the current situation to the next. Part 3 of the Rainbow Phowa is scheduled for February 20, 2021.