SA LÉ Ö Concert

13JunAll Day16SA LÉ Ö Concert

Event Details

Sa Le Ö (clear light inTibetan) is an hour and twenty minutes event offering the audience a Meditation and Healing experience through Relaxing Bamboo flute Music and profound female vocals chanting Tibetan Mantras. This is a nonprofit fundraising event organized by Ligmincha International for the education and support of Tibetan children in marginalized areas of India and Nepal, including children at the Menri Monastery in India and schools for refugee children in India and Nepal.

Geshe Thupten Negi Rinpoche, president of Lishu Institute; Lama Kalsang Nyima, resident lama in Ligmincha México; Tsering Wangmo, Lead vocal; Raman Maharjan, Bansuri flute artist
June 9: Houston, Texas. Museum of Fine Arts Houston
June 13: Torreón, México. Teatro Isauro Martínez
June 15: Ciudad de México. Teatro Milán
June 16: Valle de Bravo, México. Great Bön Stupa for World Peace
June 22: Shipman, Virginia. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center

For México:
Contact your local Ligmincha practice center
Ticket: $1,200 Pesos
(Fundraising event for Bön children)
Limited seats available

If you attend the concert in Valle de Bravo, you have a special fee at Hotel Rodavento. Please visit

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The audience is invited to participate actively in the mantra chanting, creating a virtuous connection between the performers and the audience. In between each mantra number (3 total), guided meditations occur, linking each of the musical performances.
During the show, Tibetan Lamas take the stage to grantthe audience the possibility to receive ancient blessings as they transmit them vocally along with the Mudras (hand movements) required for them.
At some point during the performance, a brief Reading from a Sacred Tibetan Text takes place as a video runs illustrating the words being spoken.
During the event, the audience is driven to experience a sense of well being, peace and joy through the lovely sounds of Eastern music and mantra chants from the land of snows….the Himalayans. The Tour is scheduled for June 9th-20th, 2019.

Tsering Wangmo. Tibetan Performing ArtsArtistic Director. Master Singer and Dancer. Graduated from the Tibetan Institute of Performing Artsin Daramshala, India. She is a co-founder and Artistic Director of: Chaksam-pa; a well know Tibetan Dance and Opera Company in California. Her vocal and dance performances worldwide include; Lincoln Center in New York, The Warner Theatre in Washington, D.C. in the USA and she has made numerous recordings. “The depth of her voice reaches the most profound places of the soul, offering a unique healing and meditative experience.”

Raman Maharjan. Bansuri Flute Artist from Nepal.
“All performances are importantto me, nevertheless I hold very dear, those that took place at the UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS in New York, from 2010 to 2015. Also my Participation at the Fuji Rock Festival which is one of the most biggest Music festivals in Japan and a Great outdoor show in Yushu, Tibet with AniChoying for an audience of 15,000 Spiritual music lovers.”
Performances by RAMAN MAHARJAN include: Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Spain, Norway, Italy, Japan, China, Hong Kong, Tibet,Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Australia,United States of America.

Sharing their Prayers and Blessings for Harmony, Peace and Healing:
Geshe Thupten Gyaltsen Negi Rinpoche was born in the Lippa District of Kinnour, Himachal Pradesh, India. He was fortunate to have an early primary education at the Government School in Lippa. In 1988 he began his formal education at Menri Monastery in Dholanji, India. In 1991 he entered the Bon academy of Philosophy and in 2004 received his Geshe Degree from Menri Monastery in Dolanji, India, under the guidance of His Eminence, Menri Lopon and His Holiness, the 33rd Menri Trizin. Geshe Negi Rinpoche is the first Indian to have received the Geshe Degree from the Bon Tradition.
Duriing his study at Menri Monastery, he assisted His Holiness, the 33rd Menri Trizin with public relations, medical care for the monks, students and children, and acted as liaison with local government offices regarding issues pertaining to Menri Monastery.
In 2007 Geshe Thupten Negi started the Lishu Institute, along with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Lishu Institute is a center and study program for students to do long-term study of the Bon teachings. He continues as president of Lishu and has opened many doors to Bon as a result.

Lama Kalsang Nyima Lama Kalsang Nyima was born in 1970 in the village of Tad, province of Dolpo, western Nepal. Dolpo is culturally Tibetan and home to 14 Bonpo monasteries and many great Bonpo masters. Lhari-la’s family includes many great practitioners, among them his grandfather Lama Lhagyep Rinpoche. Renowned as a dzogchenpa, Lama Lhagyep took his vows in Tibet from the previous incarnation of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, the revered master Khyung Tul Rinpoche.
At age 9 Lama Kalsang became a monk at Samling Monastery, the oldest and most important monastery in Dolpo, where his grandfather was head teacher. Samling was unique in having preserved many copies of texts destroyed in Tibet during the Chinese Cultural Revolution; and is well known as the home of nine of the 24 masters of the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud, all of whom achieved the rainbow body.
For 12 years Lama Kalsang trained intensively at Samling in the many methods of sutra and tantra. He completed his ngondro (foundational practices) there, as well as many personal retreats including powa (liberation at time of death), the 49-day A Kar A Me retreat, the 49-day Shenlha Okar retreat, the 30-day Phurba retreat, the 14-day Red Garuda retreat, and the 60-day Takla Membar retreat. He also completed these and other teaching cycles during a traditional three-year closed retreat. In addition, he learned the methods of divination of Yeshe Walmo and received the transmission and initiation (lung and wang) for many other sutric and tantric texts.
At age 21 he made the one-month walk to Kathmandu to begin four years of studies at Triten Norbutse Monastery under the close guidance of Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, the most senior teacher of the Bön lineage. There Lama Kalsang’s training was deepened and broadened to include all aspects of the traditional teachings from astrology and stupa building to ritual preparations and musicianship. Lama Kalsang also received a complete cycle of dzogchen teachings and innumerable initiations and transmissions, as well as initiations and training from His Holiness Lungtog Tenpai Nyima, spiritual head of the Bön tradition.
While training with Yongdzin Rinpoche, Lama Kalsang learned techniques of traditional thangka painting, for his master was renowned for his painting skills and had written a textbook on the subject. He deepened these skills at Ugyun Tulku’s monastery in nearby Bhouda, during a five-year training under the master Chokyong Gonpo. After completing this course he returned to Triten Norbutse where Yongdzin Rinpoche asked him to help paint the entire cycle of Bonpo tantric mandalas; these images were later published in the book Mandalas of the Bon Religion.
In 2000 Yungdrung Lama, abbot of the Bonpo monastery in Sikkim, invited Lama Kalsang to teach in a school for Bonpo children at his monastery. There Lama Kalsang taught not only basic education, but also the Bonpo forms of music, chanting, rituals, painting, and torma making. Under his guidance the school grew from nine to 30 children, and he became responsible for running the monastery.
Lama Kalsang’s expertise as a thangka painter led him to be invited to teach an advanced course for painters sponsored by a large museum in central India. The next year the museum invited him back to paint three entire rooms with Bonpo images, including the life history of Tonpa Shenrab, a task that took six months to complete.
During 2006 Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche paid many visits to Lama Kalsang’s monastery in Sikkim and they came to know each other well. Tenzin Rinpoche invited him to the West to assist in many projects, and Lhari-la gladly accepted. His first task was to paint the entire series of images for the first Bonpo stupa in the West, in Torreon, Mexico, including a 40-foot mandala of Shenlha Okar, a task taking seven months to complete. Tenzin Rinpoche then asked him to go to Chihuahua, Mexico, to tutor the young tulku Jorge Rene, a joyful task that Lama Kalsang continues to pursue as time permits. In 2007 Lama Kalsang began collaborating with Tenzin Rinpoche to create a series of paintings that illustrate the detailed methods of the tummo meditation practice.

This is a non-profit fundraising event organized by Ligmincha International for the education and support of all children in marginated areas of India and Nepal, including the children at Menri Monastery in India. Show your generosity by attending or inviting someone to the event. All proceedings from the performances will be donated through Ligmincha International in the USA.



June 13, 2019 - June 16, 2019 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)


Milan Theater

Calle Lucerna 64 Juárez, Cuauhtémoc, 06600 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico

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