SacredSky Press
Sacred Sky Press is a part of Ligmincha International. We are dedicated to publishing books from the Tibetan Bön Buddhist tradition. Founded in 2018, we have the following titles available for purchase.
Please note that some of our publications are restricted to those who have received transmission of the text from a qualified lama. If you wish to purchase a restricted title, please send us an email describing when, where, and from whom you have received the necessary transmission(s).
Escape From Darkness
Price: $4.80
This is the biography of Shenza Nechung, Buddha Tonpa Shenrap Miwo’s youngest daughter. In the Bön tradition, there are numerous female lay and nun practitioners who attained high spiritual states. Their stories are included in Bön texts and also are a part of local folklore. These stories, however, have not been extricated from the texts or recorded from the folklore. This book is an attempt to fill a void that has been left for centuries.
Indestructible: The Longevity Practice of Tsewang Rikdzin
Hardcover: $38.00
Paperback: $12.00
Every sentient being wants to live and not to die. In this way, wanting a long lifespan is an ordinary wish. However, for the Yungdrung Bon practitioner, the desire to live to the full extent of one’s lifespan, without it becoming either shortened or damaged, has a much greater purpose. Because life as a human being provides a unique opportunity to practice and realize the teachings of Lord Tonpa Shenrap, the wish to continually protect and restore the lifespan is a direct extension of the practitioner’s intent to make the present, human lifespan meaningful by being of benefit both to oneself and to others. “Indestructible: The Longevity Practice of Tsewang Rikdzin” is an invaluable resource for those cultivating virtue, or bodhicitta, and who wish to protect and preserve their lifespan.
The Heartdrop of Jamma
Heartdrop of Jamma, Color: $17.00
Heartdrop of Jamma, Black & White: $12.00
Este texto está restringido a aquellos que han recibido la enseñanza y el empoderamiento
The Heartdrop of Jamma, or Jamma Nying Tik, is classified as an aural transmission. This means that it was transmitted through hearing. In this case, the transmission was given by a manifestation of Jamma, Khandro Sherap Lo Pélma, to Sonam Lodro Rinpoche when she actually appeared before him. This translation was made as a support for Geshe Künchap Rinpoche, who bestowed the transmission and teaching upon a small group of practitioners in 2018. He received this transmission from his root lama, Barlé Lama Tsukphü Gyaltsen Rinpoche.
Soul Retrieval Practice Manual, Volumes 1&2
Volume 1: $25.00
Volume 2 : $22.00
Este texto está restringido a aquellos que han recibido la enseñanza y el empoderamiento
These two training manuals are based on the Yungdrung Bön scripture known as the Tséwang Jarima. These manuals are for practitioners trained extensively in the preparation and performance of rituals, including setting up of the shrine, meditative focus, melodies, use of instruments, and proper preparation and use of ritual offerings. Brief annotations are included to serve as reminders during the ritual performance. Volume 1 includes all texts necessary for the longevity practice of Lama Tséwang Rikdzin and is appropriate for the longevity ritual, the seven-day yidam retreat, and/or daily yidam practice. Chapters include: important points of Tséwang’s Supreme Collection, the preliminary practices, the supplication prayer of the Tséwang Jarima lineage, the longevity practice of Lama Tséwang Rikdzin, texts necessary for the performance of the feast offering to Tséwang Rikdzin and the other longevity deities, as well as supplemental texts and support materials.
Help Continue Our Mission
Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.
Help Continue Our Mission
Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.