Ligmincha’s Bön Stupas
A stupa or chorten is a symbolic representation of enlightened mind or Buddhanature, and its design represents the stages of the path to enlightenment. Stupas are a support for our practice, inspiring us to move up and out of our unenlightened qualities of anger, attachment and ignorance and toward our true nature of enlightened mind and activity.
In addition to their energetic support, stupas are objects of veneration. They are conducive to doing prostrations, circumambulation and making offerings. In fact, the stupa itself is an offering as they are filled with blessed objects, sacred texts and relics of past masters.
Ligmincha currently maintains five stupas: the Great Bön Stupa for World Peace in Valle De Bravo, Mexico; stupas in Torreón and in Lerdo, Mexico ; one in Wilga, Poland; and one at Serenity Ridge, in Shipman, Virginia, United States.
A Stupa or Chorten is a symbolic representation of enlightened mind or Buddhanature, and its design represents the stages of the path to enlightenment. Stupas are a support for our practice, inspiring us to move up and out of our unenlightened qualities of anger, attachment and ignorance and toward our true nature of enlightened mind and activity.
In addition to their energetic support, stupas are objects of veneration. They are conducive to doing prostrations, circumambulation, and making offerings. In fact, the stupa itself is an offering as they are filled with blessed objects, sacred texts and relics of past masters.
Ligmincha currently maintains five stupas: the Great Bön Stupa for World Peace in Valle De Brave, Mexico; stupas in Torreón and in Lerdo, Mexico a; one in Wilga, Poland; and one at Serenity Ridge, in Shipman, Virginia, United States.

Valle de Bravo – Bön Stupa for World Peace
The great Bön stupa for world peace is dedicated to the Venerable Lopon Senge Tenzin, His Eminence Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. It is the second Bön stupa built in Mexico and the largest in the West. It has a height of 34 meters and a surface area of 400 square meters.
On December 4, 2010, His Eminence Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak visited the stupa, accompanied by Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, and other teachers and monks for the grand consecration. We also had the presence of Tulku Pondse Jigme Tenzin (Jorge René Valles Sandoval) as well as several representatives of different Buddhist traditions present in Mexico. With our sisters and brothers of the national and international sangha we celebrated with great joy the consecration of the stupa.

Wilga stupa
In 2004, Ligmincha Poland, at Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s request, acquired property – the grounds and buildings of a former holiday resort – in the municipality of Wilga, 60 km away from Warsaw. Soon afterwards it was decided to build a stupa, a symbol around which we could gather with pleasure and practice together as a group under the guidance of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
During his 2004 visit to Wilga, we requested His Eminence Yongdzin Rinpoche to select the model best suited for this location from and album titled “100 Stupas of Bӧn.” His Eminence gladly chose the Stupa of the Mind of Enlightenment of Tonpa Shenrap – a white stupa free of ornaments 7 meters in height.
In 2005, Nyima Dakpa Rinpoche and with Geshe Denma Gyaltsen chose the site for the stupa and prepared the sacred space with special rituals. Wishing all the works to run smoothly, harmoniously and in compliance with the canon, we enlisted the help of Lungring Gyaltsen to assist in construction.
We worked with Geshe Lungring for three months, preparing appropriate sacred items to be placed inside the stupa. Supported with rituals, construction workers erected the structure of brick and concrete while some practitioners pressed and painted thousands of white tsa tsa from an antique mold that Geshe-la had brought. Geshe Lungring placed the votive offerings inside the stupa’s bump. We completed the work in 2006, right before His Holiness the 33rd Menri Trizin Lungtok Tenpai Nyima Rinpoche’s visit. His Holiness, assisted by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, personally consecrated the stupa.

Torreón stupa
The first Stupa Bön built in the West is in Torreón, Mexico. It is 18 meters high and 100 meters square in area. The Torreón stupa is located within the Chamma Ling Laguna Retreat Center, a center full of life and education that leaves traces of joy, peace and well-being to all who visit. On February 12, 2006, under a vast and intense blue sky, with the luminous sun shining above us and with the presence of our Master Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, Geshe Nyima Kunkyab and Geshe Tenzin Yeshe, the consecration ceremony took place.

Serenity Ridge Stupa
Serenity Ridge recently completed a stupa at its main entrance. This project was supported by the generosity of Vicki Wheaton, a longtime sangha member and volunteer. The stupa is approximately 10 feet high and is built according to the instructions for “The Elegant Yungdrung Bön Chorten” as instructed by Tonpa Shenrap Miwoche. This stupa contains images of enlightened deities and high lamas, hair and cremation ash of H.H. the 33rd Menri Trizin Rinpoche, 110 tsa tsa, and many sacred substances.
This stupa was consecrated in summer 2019 during our summer retreat with the 34th Menri Trizin H.H. Dawa Dargyal Rinpoche and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.

lerdo stupa
In the village of Lerdo in the state of Durango, about 75 minutes from Torreón, is Nirvana Organic Farm. This is the place where the third Mexican Bön stupa is located. The purpose of the stupa at Lerdo is to bring peace to the region and the country, and to all sentient beings. Through its power and the power of practitioners, its blessings go beyond all limits and spread throughout the world.
We hope that this stupa, as well as the others, become living monuments of practice, devotion and blessings.
The stupa is 12 meters in height and its base is 6.50 square meters. Inside there’s a small gompa with a mandala, painted by Lama Kalsang Nyima and Lama Yungdrung Lodoe.
The stupa was consecrated on March 22 and 23, 2014.
In the village of Lerdo, state of Durango, about 75 minutes from Torreon, is located Nirvana Organic Farm. This is the place where the third Mexican Bón stupa is located.

Help Continue Our Mission
Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.
Help Continue Our Mission
Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.