Chamma Ling Colorado

Retreat Cabin Time Scholarship Fund

Chamma Ling has established a solitary retreat scholarship fund for students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.  We wish to support all who are interested in a personal retreat, but who may not have the funds to pay our normal cabin rates. If you have a desire but not...

Chamma Ling Fall 2023 Retreats

Sacred Art Calligraphy Retreat with Lama Kalsang Nyima and Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche September 13 - 14, 2023 Crestone, Colorado Lama Kalsang Nyima, resident lama of Ligmincha Mexico and renowned artist, will teach the sacred art of calligraphy as a path of creativity...

Ligmincha International

Programa de entrenamiento DU TRI SU

Programa de entrenamiento DU TRI SU Impartido por Geshe Denma Gyaltsen y asistido por Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar De marzo de 2025 a abril de 2027, aprende el Du Tri Su Drip Jong, el Ritual Yungdrung Bön para escoltar la conciencia del difunto a través del Bardo....