Ligmincha Austria
The main aim of Ligmincha Austria is the preservation and spreading of the teachings of Bon Buddhism. Bon is the name of the pre-Buddhist religious culture of Tibet and is one of the world’s most ancient spiritual traditions. It is a living tradition with an uninterrupted lineage of practitioners going back thousands of years and was founded by Buddha Tonpa Shenrap Miwo. The teachings have been transmitted orally from realized master to student and have been recorded in hundreds of volumes of scriptures and commentaries. Bön is divided into nine ways and includes Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen. Since 1988 Bon has been officially recognized by H.H. the Dalai Lama as the 5th Tibetan spiritual school.
In order to make the profound knowledge of this Bon-Buddhist tradition accessible to as many people as possible, Ligmincha Austria offers joint practice opportunities and organizes events and seminars. In 1991 Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche came to Austria for the first time to give teachings.

practice groups
In Austria, practice groups are currently offered at three locations. All students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche interested people are cordially invited to meditate together in these groups. Newcomers are kindly requested to register in advance by telephone or send a short message via e-mail.
In Vienna the practice group meets every second Monday (except public holidays) for one practice session (from 6:30 pm – 8:00pm) in the Drikung Gompa of the Austrian Buddhist Union. Practices include Nine Breathing, Tsa Lung, Shine, Ngöndro, Inner Refuge and further Dzogchen practices. The meditation is guided by experienced practice leaders / students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
Renate Cervik-Kremminger | +43 660 345 33 74
Heide Mitsche | +43 650 315 65 57
Buddhistisches Zentrum, Fleischmarkt 16, Drikung Gompa, 1st floor, 1010 Vienna
LUSTENAU / Vorarlberg
The practice group in Lustenau meets once a month. Practices include Nine Breathing, Tsa Lung, Inner Refuge, Sherab Chama and other Bön-Buddhist practices. The meditation is guided by experienced practice leaders / students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
Guntram Ferstl | +43 650 4080300 | |
Graz / Styria
The practice group meets once a month in a private location. Practices include Nine Breathing of Purification, Tsa Lung, Inner Refuge and other Dzogchen practices. The practice is guided by experienced practice leaders / students of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
Eva Stegmüller | +43 681 201 686 92
Regular activities list
Regular practice groups are currently organized in three locations (see also “Practice groups” for further information). At least twice a year Ligmincha Austria invites Lamas/Teachers for a week-end teaching.
Support us financially
In order to ensure an effective and successful work of Ligmincha Austria e.V. your help and support, especially in the form of donations, is extremely valuable. Please help us to realize our goals by donating within the scope of your possibilities.
Bank details:
Ligmincha Österreich
IBAN: AT 36 6000 0103 1034 3485
Support us financially
In order to ensure an effective and successful work of Ligmincha Austria e.V. your help and support, especially in the form of donations, is extremely valuable. Please help us to realize our goals by donating within the scope of your possibilities.
Bank details:
Ligmincha Österreich
IBAN: AT 36 6000 0103 1034 3485