Residency program
The Lishu Institute program provides learners with an in-depth study and practice of the Bön tradition. The program consists of the three main streams of teachings of Sutra, Tantra and Dzogchen. Students follow a full-time program of 2 months, 1 month or 2 weeks according to the duration of the retreats.
The location of the institute is ideal for retreat and study. Students are free from distractions and can take full advantage of the Institute and its surroundings , which is in a prime location with all the attributes that make it conducive to study and practice including clean, fresh air, gorgeous panoramic views of the Dehradun valley and the Shivalik mountain range, to name a few. Students are provided with room and board including three meals per day.
Program for 2018/2019
Lam Rim teaching and Ngondro retreat practice
3rd September 2018 to 9th November 2018 (10 weeks)
Short retreat : Yeshe Walmo ritual
12th November 2018 to 25 November 2018
Tummo and dream yoga from Mother Tantra
7th January 2019 to 1st March 2019
Short retreat: Phowa
4th March to 17th March 2019
Dzogchen Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud: 12 Small Tantras:
1st April to 21st May 2019
Program 2019/2020
16th September to 10th November 2019
8 weeks retreat: Chod (from the Bon Mother Tantra, Ma Gyud) and Six Lokas (from Kusum Rangshar)
13th November to 27 th November 2019
2 weeks retreat: Daily Offering Rituals in the Bon tradition
20 th January to 16th February 2020
4 weeks retreat: Phowa and Bardo (from the Bon Mother Tantra, Ma Gyud)
24 th February to 22 nd March 2020
4 weeks retreat: Dzogchen- retreat; Trek Chod and Thod Gal practices (Four Cycles of Precepts from the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud)
The location of the institute is ideal for retreat and study. Students are free from distractions and can take full advantage of the Institute and its surroundings , which is in a prime location with all the attributes that make it conducive to study and practice including clean, fresh air, gorgeous panoramic views of the Dehradun valley and the Shivalik mountain range, to name a few. Students are provided with room and board including three meals per day.
Program for 2018/2019
Lam Rim teaching and Ngondro retreat practice
3rd September 2018 to 9th November 2018 (10 weeks)
Short retreat : Yeshe Walmo ritual
12th November 2018 to 25 November 2018
Tummo and dream yoga from Mother Tantra
7th January 2019 to 1st March 2019
Short retreat: Phowa
4th March to 17th March 2019
Dzogchen Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud: 12 Small Tantras:
1st April to 21st May 2019
Program 2019/2020
16th September to 10th November 2019
8 weeks retreat: Chod (from the Bon Mother Tantra, Ma Gyud) and Six Lokas (from Kusum Rangshar)
13th November to 27 th November 2019
2 weeks retreat: Daily Offering Rituals in the Bon tradition
20 th January to 16th February 2020
4 weeks retreat: Phowa and Bardo (from the Bon Mother Tantra, Ma Gyud)
24 th February to 22 nd March 2020
4 weeks retreat: Dzogchen- retreat; Trek Chod and Thod Gal practices (Four Cycles of Precepts from the Zhang Zhung Nyen Gyud)