Featured Events
About us
We are an international community of students, meditators and practitioners of the ancient Bön spiritual tradition.
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal is the founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International.
We have practice groups in 23 countries and 17 languages. Find a group or start one!
About us
We are an international community of students, meditators and practitioners of the ancient Bön spiritual tradition. Geshe Tenzin Wangyal is the founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Ligmincha News
Cancer and Care Givers Retreat December 5–6
As a patient or caregiver, or even a family member, we need support in the journey through a cancer diagnosis. Join 3 Doors senior teachers Gabriel Rocco and Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, in collaboration with the Mind Body Spirit Institute of the Jung Center, for this special retreat December 5–6, 2020.
Red Garuda and Tibetan Yoga Online Retreats in November
Join us in November for two special online retreats via Zoom. John Jackson will hold a weekend retreat from November 7–8 on “The Red Garuda: Powerful Wings of the Heart.” Alejandro Chaoul-Reich will hold a four-day retreat on “Tibetan Yoga for Health and Well-Being” from November 12–15. All are welcome.
New Online Course on Creativity with Marcy Vaughn Starts October 30
Explore meditation practices that support you to have a vital relationship with your inherent creativity, care well for yourself and others, and awaken the inspiration to express your life fully in this new course with senior teacher Marcy Vaughn. The course is offered through The Three Doors and is based on the teachings of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
Ligmincha News
Cancer and Care Givers Retreat December 5–6
As a patient or caregiver, or even a family member, we need support in the journey through a cancer diagnosis. Join 3 Doors senior teachers Gabriel Rocco and Alejandro Chaoul-Reich, in collaboration with the Mind Body Spirit Institute of the Jung Center, for this special retreat December 5–6, 2020.
Red Garuda and Tibetan Yoga Online Retreats in November
Join us in November for two special online retreats via Zoom. John Jackson will hold a weekend retreat from November 7–8 on “The Red Garuda: Powerful Wings of the Heart.” Alejandro Chaoul-Reich will hold a four-day retreat on “Tibetan Yoga for Health and Well-Being” from November 12–15. All are welcome.
New Online Course on Creativity with Marcy Vaughn Starts October 30
Explore meditation practices that support you to have a vital relationship with your inherent creativity, care well for yourself and others, and awaken the inspiration to express your life fully in this new course with senior teacher Marcy Vaughn. The course is offered through The Three Doors and is based on the teachings of Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
Help Continue Our Mission
Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.
Help Continue Our Mission
Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.