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About us
We are an international community of students, meditators and practitioners of the ancient Bön spiritual tradition.
Geshe Tenzin Wangyal is the founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International.
We have practice groups in 23 countries and 17 languages. Find a group or start one!
About us
We are an international community of students, meditators and practitioners of the ancient Bön spiritual tradition. Geshe Tenzin Wangyal is the founder and spiritual director of Ligmincha International.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Ligmincha News
Fundraiser for Great Bön Stupa in Mexico
The Great Bön Stupa for World Peace in Valle de Bravo, Mexico, was consecrated on December 4, 2010. Now, Ligmincha Mexico has a program to improve the retreat center and also allow groups and individuals to generate merit by sponsoring a series of new stupas.
Tibetan Language Bön Course: Invocation of Tapihritsa
The Tibetan Language Bön Prayers Program is pleased to announce a new online course focusing on the Invocation of Tapihritsa taught by Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, resident lama of Ligmincha Texas. It will be offered October 20–November 17 through Ligmincha Learning.
Ligmincha’s Online Store Opens
Ligmincha’s online store is now open and offering a range of books and media related to Tibetan Bön Buddhism. Among the offerings are two new books by Sacred Sky Press, a division of Ligmincha International: Living Wisdom and Escape from Darkness.
Ligmincha News
Fundraiser for Great Bön Stupa in Mexico
The Great Bön Stupa for World Peace in Valle de Bravo, Mexico, was consecrated on December 4, 2010. Now, Ligmincha Mexico has a program to improve the retreat center and also allow groups and individuals to generate merit by sponsoring a series of new stupas.
Tibetan Language Bön Course: Invocation of Tapihritsa
The Tibetan Language Bön Prayers Program is pleased to announce a new online course focusing on the Invocation of Tapihritsa taught by Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, resident lama of Ligmincha Texas. It will be offered October 20–November 17 through Ligmincha Learning.
Ligmincha’s Online Store Opens
Ligmincha’s online store is now open and offering a range of books and media related to Tibetan Bön Buddhism. Among the offerings are two new books by Sacred Sky Press, a division of Ligmincha International: Living Wisdom and Escape from Darkness.
Help Continue Our Mission
Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.
Help Continue Our Mission
Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.