Valle de Bravo

The great Stupa Bon for world peace is dedicated to the Venerable Lopon Senge Tenzin, master Dzogchen of the V. Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. It is the second Stupa Bön built in Mexico, and is the largest of this lineage in the West. It has a height of 34 m and a surface area of 400 m2.

On December 4, 2010, we had the honor of receiving Venerable Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak accompanied by Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and other teachers and monks for the grand event of the consecration. We also have the presence of our dear Tulku Pondse Jigme Tenzin (Jorge Rene Valles) as well as several representatives of different Buddhist traditions present in Mexico.

Accompanied by our brothers of the national and international Sangha we celebrate with great joy the consecration of the Stupa.

The great Stupa Bon for world peace is dedicated to the Venerable Lopon Senge Tenzin, master Dzogchen of the V. Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak Rinpoche, and Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. It is the second Stupa Bön built in Mexico, and is the largest of this lineage in the West. It has a height of 34 m and a surface area of 400 m2.

On December 4, 2010, we had the honor of receiving Venerable Yongdzin Tenzin Namdak accompanied by Khenpo Tenpa Yungdrung Rinpoche, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche and other teachers and monks for the grand event of the consecration. We also have the presence of our dear Tulku Pondse Jigme Tenzin (Jorge Rene Valles) as well as several representatives of different Buddhist traditions present in Mexico.

Accompanied by our brothers of the national and international Sangha we celebrate with great joy the consecration of the Stupa.


general retreats information

Attention to visitors: From Monday to Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Every Sunday practice guided by our resident lamas at 12:30 a.m.

Open to the general public, which is divided into seven service segments:

Teachings and Seminars with Our Teachers of the YungDrung Bön lineage:

The main purpose of our space is to attend retreats and Seminars guided by Our Dharma Masters, trying to focus the flowering of these sacred teachings.

Guided Practice Sunday through our Resident Lamas

Regardless of any other activity that is in this space, every Sunday we welcome visitors and practitioners at 12:30 a.m. with the intention of joining meditation with the guide. of our Lamas, activity that is already very busy.

Personal visits

Which are people who arrive alone or with their families, their stay in the place is not greater than 1 hour approx.

Group visits

which vary from 10 to 50 people approx. who stay in the enclosure between 1 and 3 hours approx. and his intention is only to get to meditate.

Group visits with extra activities

groups of between 10 and 50 people who come not only to meditate, if they do not ask for space to practice Yoga or who come for long walks and request additional meditation to the dining room service, thus giving them a more complete and welcoming.

Payment options

Cash, bank deposit and Paypal.

onsite accommodation

In Chamma Ling Valle de Bravo we have a camping area to facilitate your days of retirement. Area that we put at your disposal with 35 spaces for the assembly of camping tents.

This area is located in a beautiful and safe area within our spaces. However, in the middle of the forest we suggest you come prepared well so that you can enjoy it to the fullest.

The following are the guidelines for the use of the camping area:

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offsite accommodation

There is a wide variety of places available, below we present their names and contacts so you can manage them comfortably.

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residency program

Personal or group retreats: here people who arrive with the intention of going into our enclosure for a period of 2 to 7 days. The camping area is offered for overnight.

Rent of space for Seminars: The space is opened so that groups of other lineages, religions or spiritual paths can be hosted in our space. Here we offer the dining service to those who occupy the place for this purpose.

Dormitories are not yet available in the Retreat Center, so our offer of accommodation at the moment is the camping area.


Chamma Ling Valle de Bravo retreat center is managed by Rosario Maldonado, staff member of Ligmincha Mexico. The administration duties includes the maintenance of the Stupa and the retreat accommodations, organization of events, support in the development of projects and liaison with local authorities.


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Lama Kalsang Nyima is the resident teacher for Ligmincha Mexico. Was born in 1970 in the village of Tad, province of Dolpo, western Nepal. Dolpo is culturally Tibetan and home to 14 Bonpo monasteries and many great Bonpo masters.


Lama Yungdrung Lodoe lives in Valle de Bravo, Mexico, where he is a teacher with Ligmincha Mexico. Born in Tenchen, Tibet, in 1978, Yungdrung Lodoe entered Tondol Ritod Monastery in Chumpo, Tibet, at age 9.


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LOSAR 2025

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Supporting the Stupa

Supporting the Stupa is an online platform to make donations through credit card payments to support and develop projects of Chamma Ling Valle de Bravo

Prosperity Mal-la Project: Monthly deposits to Ligmincha Mexico Bank Account


Supporting the Stupa

Supporting the Stupa is an online platform to make donations through credit card payments to support and develop projects of Chamma Ling Valle de Bravo

Prosperity Mal-la Project: Monthly deposits to Ligmincha Mexico Bank Account