The United States

The United States is home to two Ligmincha retreat centers: Serenity Ridge and Chamma Ling. Serenity Ridge, in Shipman, Virginia, is our largest center and also headquarters to Ligmincha International. Chamma Ling Retreat Center is in Crestone, Colorado. In addition to hosting retreats throughout the year, Crestone is especially equipped for personal retreats of one or more weeks.

Ligmincha Texas has a dedicated center for practice in the city of Houston. There are also active practice groups meeting in California, Colorado, North Carolina, and Virginia.

The US also hosts two resident lamas. Geshe Denma Gyaltsen is the resident lama for Ligmincha Texas, and his teaching schedule takes him all around the country. He is a regular teacher at Chama Ling and at Serenity Ridge. Geshe Tenzin Yangton is the resident lama at Serenity Ridge. He is currently on sabbatical and is residing at Menri Monastery in India.

Retreat Centers

Serenity Ridge is open year round. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche teaches there four times per year and there are many other events with Ligmincha’s resident lamas, visiting lamas and authorized western students. Chamma Ling, Colorado is open seasonally. In addition to retreats, Chamma ling has solitary retreat cabins for practitioners in the Bön tradition, as well as experienced meditators of other spiritual traditions.

UNITED STATES | virginia – Serenity Ridge



UNITED STATES | Chamma Ling – Colorado


UNITED STATES | texas – Houston


North Carolina



Programa de entrenamiento DU TRI SU

Programa de entrenamiento DU TRI SU Impartido por Geshe Denma Gyaltsen y asistido por Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar De marzo de 2025 a abril de 2027, aprende el Du Tri Su Drip Jong, el Ritual Yungdrung Bön para escoltar la conciencia del difunto a través del Bardo....

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DU TRI SU Training Program Starts March 2025!

DU TRI SU Training Program Starts March 2025!

From March 2025 through April 2027, learn the Du Tri Su Drip Jong, the Yungdrung Bön Ritual for escorting the consciousness of the deceased through the Bardo. This ritual is from the text The Lamp that Dispels Darkness: The Practice Manual of the Du Tri Su that Purifies Defilements and Liberates All Beings from the Depths of Samsara

This teaching and training are important for Bön practitioners who would like to learn the Du Tri Su Drip Jong ritual to offer prayers for the deceased.

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Help Continue Our Mission

Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.


Help Continue Our Mission

Your donation contributes to our mission of preserving the Bön Buddhist tradition of Tibet. All donations will be used to help further Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s vision and the mission of Ligmincha International.