Serenity Ridge News

Online Retreat on Silence Open to All

Online Retreat on Silence Open to All

After much discussion and the desire not to increase the risk of exposure to the coronavirus for Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche or retreat attendees, the Spring Retreat previously scheduled at Serenity Ridge has been moved online. Everyone is welcome to attend the three-day live retreat on “Discovering the Melody of Silence,” now being offered through Zoom April 3–5.

Registration Now Open for Summer Tummo Retreat

Registration Now Open for Summer Tummo Retreat

Registration is now open for the annual two-week Summer Retreat at Serenity Ridge. Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche will teach on the topic of “Tummo: Inner Fire of Realization, Part 3.” All are welcome to attend this third and final tummo teaching.

Registration Now Open for Spring Retreat and Special Symposium

Registration Now Open for Spring Retreat and Special Symposium

Registration is now open for two retreats at Serenity Ridge this spring: the annual Spring Retreat on “Discovering the Melody of Silence” and a special symposium that includes invited guests, “Serenity Ridge Dialogues: Body, Breath & Mind.” Those who register early will receive a discount off listed prices.

New Bön Stupa at Serenity Ridge First in US

New Bön Stupa at Serenity Ridge First in US

Stupas, or chorten in the Tibetan language, are an important part of Bön and Himalayan culture. Serenity Ridge Retreat Center now has its own stupa—the first Bön stupa in the United States and Ligmincha’s fifth stupa worldwide.

Become Part of Sangha of Volunteers

Become Part of Sangha of Volunteers

New volunteers are always needed and most welcome at Serenity Ridge Retreat Center, headquarters of Ligmincha International, and to serve the larger organization. We depend on the assistance of committed volunteers to help in many of our day-to-day operations and other functions.

Ligmincha International

Join 3 Doors Retreat on Self-Transformation December 2 and 3

Join 3 Doors Retreat on Self-Transformation December 2 and 3

Everyone is welcome to join The 3 Doors community on December 2 and 3 for a dynamic weekend retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as he explores the topic of self-transformation.

Rinpoche, Tibetan meditation teacher and founder of Ligmincha International, founded The 3 Doors in 2010 to support people to transform their lives through meditation.

Winter Retreat: Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 4

Winter Retreat: Experiential Transmission of Zhang Zhung, Part 4

The Experiential Transmission series, the centerpiece of Rinpoche’s dzogchen teachings, is presented each year at the Serenity Ridge winter retreat. This December, Part 4 of the five-year cycle of teachings focuses on overcoming obstacles to realizing the nature of mind.

You can attend the retreat in person at Serenity Ridge or online through Zoom. Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche encourages people to attend in person if possible, to create a more intimate time to connect with one another and with the teachings.