Registration is now open for two upcoming weekend retreats at Serenity Ridge in February 2020. “The Red Garuda: Powerful Wings of the Heart” with John Jackson will be held January 31–February 2, 2020. “Sherap Chamma: Mother of Wisdom and Love” with Marcy Vaughn will be held February 21–23.
Serenity Ridge News
Dzogchen Pith Instructions Retreat with H.E. Menri Ponlop in November
Join us November 8–10 for a special retreat with His Eminence Menri Ponlop Trinley Nyima Rinpoche. He will teach on the topic “Pith Instructions from the Golden Advice,” based on the ancient sage and lama Drenpa Namkha’s succinct advice to dzogchen practitioners.
Registration Open for December Dzogchen Practice Retreat
Registration is now open for the Winter Retreat with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, beginning the evening of December 26, 2019. “Dzogchen Practice Retreat: Turning Inward” will offer participants a primarily silent retreat that will facilitate turning inward and resting in the nature of mind.
Fall Retreat Early Registration Extended Until Sept. 1
The early-bird registration discount for the Serenity Ridge Fall Retreat on the of “Guidance for Living and Dying” with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche has been extended until September 1. Participants who register by September 1 will receive a $50 discount off the cost of registration.
Ligmincha International
Tummo Practice Retreat in January with Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso
Join us this January for our first Tummo Practice Retreat at Serenity Ridge, with Geshe Yungdrung Gyatso. You can attend for three or seven days, in person at Serenity Ridge or online via Zoom.
All are welcome! Anyone who attend the retreat, including those new to the practice of tummo, will meet the prerequisite to attend the teachings of Tummo Part 4 with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche at the summer retreats at Serenity Ridge in Virginia and at Chamma Ling Poland in 2024.
Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s Worldwide Teaching Schedule
Here is Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche’s teaching schedule through the end of the year. Updates will be added as they become available.
You can find the latest listings and any changes in the Events section of the Ligmincha website or the Serenity Ridge website.