Ligmincha Spain
Since the first visit of Lama Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche to Spain in 2008, Ligmincha Spain promotes and disseminates the teachings of Yungdrung Bön, the oldest Buddhist spiritual tradition of Tibet, its wisdom, art and culture, according to the teachings of Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche.
We develop activities that promote integral development of the person and the restoration of health from the vision of the ancestral Buddhist wisdom Bön, including the dissemination of information, meditation groups and the organization of seminars-retreats.

practice group on line
Since 2011 we maintain a free space of meditative practice and Tibetan yoga -Tsa Lung- according to the teachings of Lama Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. You may participate from your own computer / tablet / smartphone through the online broadcast of the practice session every third Sunday of the month at 20:00h.
Link to enter the practice on-line
This is a space open both to people who want to start practicing meditation and to experienced meditators. The practice of Tsa Lung can be very beneficial for the health of the body and mind, favoring the restoration of natural balance.

The five Tsa Lung exercises help to release physical, energetic and mental obstacles. By jointly focusing the mind, breathing and physical movements in each of the exercises, you can dissolve the obstacles that disturb you, in order to recognize the pure and open space of being

UMDZE: Dr. José Ignacio García Acosta
The teachings of Lama Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche were a great discovery since my first contact with him in 2008, and they opened in me a valuable path of inner development and connection with my deep nature. From this healing experience that unites spiritual and everyday life, the initiative arose to share these valuable teachings with others.
Contact information | (+34) 952 398240
Whatssap: 665641756
Social networks | Facebook / Instagram
mmChronology of the visits of Lama Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoché
May 2008
Ronda, Málaga
“The Yoga of Dreams”
May 2009
Talavera de la Reina / Toledo
“The yoga of the dream of clear light”
May 2010
Madrid / Barcelona
“The Beautiful Garland” / Barcelona
“The Yoga of Dreams” / Madrid
October 2011-2012
” Recovery of the Soul “(2011) /” The awakening of the luminous mind “(2012)
May 2014
“Tibetan healing sounds” and “Warrior Seed Syllables”
Video of the seminar 2014
May 2015
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
“The true source of healing”
Video of the seminar 2015
April 2019
Parque Natural de Cabo de Gata (Almería)
“The Yoga of Dreams”
Coming soon April 2023
” Healing and transforming through out breathing”
Ligmincha Spain News
Ligmincha International News
Chöd en Nepal Octubre y nuevo programa Internacional
Queridos amigos de Ligmincha España, Hemos recibido una carta del Presidente de Ligmincha International, Rob Patzig, sobre el programa de actividades del año 2024 y te mandamos aquí las informaciones que tenemos. Como verás hay muchas novedades, es el deseo de nuestro...
Abrazar la soledad, experimentar la conexión.
Este próximo jueves 4 de mayo podremos ver y escuchar en directo a Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche en facebook o en Dentro del programa de este año "Abrazar la vida con sabiduría y compasión" el enfoque de este mes es enfrentar...
Fundamentos de la Meditación Tummo con Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Organiza: Ligmincha Polonia Fechas: 13-15 de enero de 2023. Modalidad: Online en Zoom. Con traducción al español. Enlace para más información y registro Puedes utilizar el navegador Chrome para abrir este enlace y elegir la traducción al español....
LOSAR 2025
Celebrating Losar As February draws to a close, Tibetan Bön and Buddhist communities worldwide welcome the Tibetan New Year, known as Losar. This ancient celebration, deeply rooted in Tibetan culture and spirituality, offers practitioners and community members a...
Programa de entrenamiento DU TRI SU
Programa de entrenamiento DU TRI SU Impartido por Geshe Denma Gyaltsen y asistido por Khandro Tsering Wangmo Khymsar De marzo de 2025 a abril de 2027, aprende el Du Tri Su Drip Jong, el Ritual Yungdrung Bön para escoltar la conciencia del difunto a través del Bardo....