Dear Friends,
For over 30 years, Ligmincha International, through the inspiration, vision and tireless commitment of our founder and Spiritual Director, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, has been bringing the ancient Tibetan Bӧn tradition to the West. These teachings and practices of meditation, prayer, breath, and movement have helped thousands of students all around the world make powerful and lasting changes in their lives. Not only do they help us decrease stress, anxiety, and bring healing to the body and mind, but they can lead us to self-realization and the manifestation of our innate capacities for love, compassion, joy and equanimity. What is more needed in our world at this time?
Rinpoche’s faith in the capacity for each of us—individually and collectively—to cultivate wisdom and compassion is boundless. And his vision for Ligmincha is expansive—to share the essence of the teachings to benefit as many people as possible, while also preserving the Bön tradition. For this to manifest, your financial support is needed.
Ligmincha was very active during the global pandemic. We moved teachings online, raised funds to support Indian and Tibetan relief efforts, provided support for Ukrainian refugees in Europe, published new books, and more. Now we must turn our attention to Ligmincha’s own financial needs to create a strong foundation for the future.
Rinpoche encourages us to think about the future in the long term. How are we supporting these precious teachings to benefit others today or in 50 or even 500 years? Your gift will go to support immediate needs of the organization and his long-term vision. This includes:
- Training programs for Western students taught by Ligmincha’s resident lamas and geshes: Bön rituals (raising lungta, soul retrieval, prayers for the dead, the five elements), mantras (the three heart mantras), meditation, and more
- New online courses and books, in multiple languages.
- Financial sustainability by paying down debt and creating an endowment.
- Scholarships to create opportunities to better support practitioners.
- Ongoing maintenance, increased utilities and property insurance, and staffing for Serenity Ridge, the center of our Ligmincha mandala.
Please consider a contribution to support this work. Our goal is to raise $200,000 in this calendar year.
In gratitude,
Robert Patzig, President
Ligmincha International
PS – Shanti Music group has prepared two special offerings – one of A Om Hung and one of the Sa Le Ö mantra. These recordings are their gift to you for any donation of $108 or more. Thank you, Shanti Music!